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Stanley A. Plotkin, MD
Physician, Professor, Researcher, and Vaccine Developer

Working with a team at the Wistar Institute, Stanley Plotkin developed the rubella vaccine. Rubella is now eliminated from the Americas and more than half of European countries.

Chapter 1
Before the Isolation and Identification of Rubella Virus

Before the era of vaccination, rubella (also known as German measles) was believed to be yet another "right of passage" childhood disease. That belief changed in the 1940s, when scientists discovered rubella's role in congenital anomalies.

Rubella: The Naming of the "Little Red"

Stanley Alan Plotkin is born in New York City

Rubella: Researchers Demonstrate Transmission of Disease

Rubella Implicated in Congenital Defects

Stanley Plotkin Earns Bachelor's Degree

Stanley Plotkin earns MD from SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Dr. Plotkin Joins the Epidemic Intelligence Service

Chapter 2
Rubella Isolated, Epidemics of the 1960s, and Dr. Plotkin Begins Work on Vaccines

In the 1960s, the rubella virus was isolated in the laboratory. It was then that various laboratory teams began to develop a vaccine. One of those teams worked at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, and it included Dr. Stanley A. Plotkin.

Year in Residency at the Hospital for Sick Children in London and First Encounter With Rubella

Rubella Virus Isolated

Rubella Vaccine Licensed

Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine Licensed

Chapter 3
Dr. Plotkin After the Rubella Vaccine Success

Dr. Plotkin continued his work in infectious diseases, lecturing, and writing Vaccines, “an indispensable guide to the enhancement of the well-being of our world."

A New Human Rabies Vaccine

Rubella Eliminated from the United States

Rubella Declared Eliminated From the Americas

2018 Award for Distinguished Research in the Biomedical Sciences

Stanley and Susan Plotkin Chair for Public Health at the College of Physicians of Philadelphia